Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's your Story?

Dear Son,

Today is your half-birthday.  Happy eighteenth month (plus some) on this planet! We are very blessed to be here together.  Me. You. Dad.  You are such an observant child with big, beautiful eyes, that I'm often wondering what you're thinking. You are seriously eagle-eyed with impeccable attention to detail; just the other day you were pointing fervently at a vauge area in the corner of the house.

"Window?" I asked.

You shook your head.

"Hmm, light?"


"Oh, the trees outside!"

You squinted, still pointing.  By the time you gave me a verbal clue to what you were pointing at, I had convinced myself that maybe you had a sixth sense and did it just get colder in here?!  And, OMG, my son sees dead people!

"Hoo, hoo," you said.  Instantly, I saw the cardinal in the bare braches of the tree in our backyard. You have quite the eye, or maybe I need glasses.  I love guessing games, but I'm looking forward to some conversation.  I'm sure I'll hear from you soon enough, though some days it's hard not to let my imagination get carried away.  Anyway, I thought I'd take a little space here to tell you what I've been thinking.

When (if) I have some free-time, between three meal-times, snack-time, juicebox-time (hydration is key), peek-a-boo-time, general-run-around-the-house-time, story-time, laundry-time (you're a big help, really!), N-A-P-time when I pretend to sleep until you fall asleep, and finally bath-time, I sometimes like to daydream (or think about why, WHY? do all the girls on Teen Mom wear VS PINK sweats head-to-toe: coincidental bad taste or what?). But, seriously, I mostly think about us and how our lives have gone and where they will go and if I'm being a patient parent and if I'm living a life that sets a good example for you.

I hope that one day many, many years from now when someone asks you (in a non-awkward, think-y way): So, what's your story?, that you'll have plenty of good things to say.  I want you to know that we are all writing our own stories the best we can.  There is no greater entity like Fate or Destiny holding the ink pen for you, making all the character and plot decisions--that is ALL YOU.  Sure, there will be things that you want to cross out and people you want to erase, but that is the beauty of a story.  If ever in your life things aren't going in the direction you want, remember you are holding the pen.  And even though there are no re-dos, just keep on writing the right way. Can you tell we've been reading Oh, the Places You'll Go lately?

Even at 18 months you are a pro with the pen.  You always try to sneak them out of your Dad's pocket when he comes home from work.  So, I'm sure you'll know just what to do.  I hope you never write us out of your story, son, because we want to share our stories with you and see what all the chapters to come will hold!


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